Sunday, November 23, 2008

Noah's Joke

Noah told me a knock knock joke this morning. It really wasn't the joke that had me cracking up so much and asking him to tell it over and over again, but the excitement that he got in telling it and him thinking that he is downright hilarious.

Noah: Knock Knock
Me: Who's there
Noah: Who cow
Me: Who cow who
Noah: who cow who cow.....hillarity

Greatest from the mind of a 3yr old.

Katherine is Mobile!!!

Our baby girl has started walking. It has really been a process more than just a moment, but man is she fast now. She'll still crawl if she gets tired but she's walking across rooms now.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Noah in the Christmas Mood

Last night I read Noah the story about Joseph and Mary going to Bethlehem from one of his child Bibles.

This morning he proceeds to place a blanket on Megan's head and tell her that she is baby Jesus' mommy. He then went even further and put Katherine in her lap and told Katherine that she was baby Jesus. He then told everyone that they would play the donkey go look at baby Jesus game. (side note, to him everything is a game, the brushing your teeth game, the eating your dinner game, etc and you'll really find that out when he tells you he's not playing that game ANYMORE).

I love it and I don't care that Christmas keeps getting earlier and earlier each year. Welcome Christmas bring your cheer, welcome all whos far and near.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

What Noah and Jason are Reading

Winnie the Pooh

This is Noah's first actual book that we've read to Noah that is not really a picture book. I am actually surprised at how interested he is in this book. He'll pay attention for about half a chapter at a time.

This is the actual first Winnie the Pooh book, however I'm sad because I've looked through the whole book already and can't find any evidence of Tigger. Noah refers to this book as the "Tigger and Pooh" book so I'm not sure how to break it to him that there is no Tigger. He keeps refering to Winnie as Tigger and Pooh, but I know he knows the difference. It's weird though because Rabbit, Eoyor (sp??), Kanga and Roo are in later chapters, but no Tigger. Maybe you literary nuts out there can school me on when Tigger actually came into the equation.

The big saving grace to this book is that there is a small illustration on every page so it helps keep his attention too.

I hope this begins a lifelong journey of reading.

We're reading to Kat now too, but she is pretty hard to read to b/c she likes to grab the book and put it in her mouth. She is visicous right now if you try to take something from her hand she holds on for dear life.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Kat's first Birthday

Katherine Ryan Richards turns 1 year old today. Although I think you're supposed to refer to her as 12 months old.

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!!!

We had a lot of fun and some of her and Noah's friends came over for her first party debut. She was indeed the princess of the ball.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Great Responses from 3yr olds

A side coversation overhead while on the phone with Megan

Megan: Noah you need to sit down in your seat.
Noah: (in upset 3yr old voice). No I can't. I'm a giraffe.

Isn't the imagination of the young great.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Job Change

So today was my last day at Vaughn Construction. I had really enjoyed the last 4 years there and had learned a lot. I will be starting my new job with Lago Builders out of Austin on Monday.

This opportunity was something that had the Lord's name written all over it, from the timing, circumstances, prayer and the piece He gave us with this decision. I know that He goes before us in this change.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Usual Suspects

So opening this blog about our lives I think I should take a moment to introduce the usual suspects to everyone and document when this blog was started. We currently live in Kyle, TX a suburb of Austin. Although we aren't as motley a crew as these guys sometimes our lives feel as chaotic and having as many twists as this movie was and had.

Known Aliases: Daddy, Da (to Katherine)
Birth: August 1978

Occupation: Construction Project Manager
Possible Locations: Work, DKR Texas Memorial Stadium
May be seen: watching college football, working around the house, playing Xbox 360, playing with kids


Known Aliases: Meg, Mom, mommmmiiiieeee, Ma
Birth: September 1979

Occupation: Mother, Domestic Engineer, Registered Nurse
Possible Locations: In the car heading to Austin, kitchen, Bible Study, front driveway playing with kids and neighbors
May be seen: cooking, playing with kids, sewing, reading, or watching Top Chef or Project Runway (pretty much any Bravo reality show)

Known Aliases: Buddy, Richards!, Noah Bear (not endorsed by his father)
Birth: August 2005

Occupation: Blue's Clues Detective, PB&Honey expert, Big brother
Possible Locations: Reading corner, Train table, In front of a TV, Outside, local pool
May be seen: Methodically lining up all of his toys, Imagining all of the animals in different stories, bothering his sister, helping his mom around the house

Known Aliases: Baby Kat, Kat
Birth: October 2007

Occupation: Inspector of all items with mouth, Dog watcher, rookie walker
Possible locations: Seeking out Noah, mommy's arms for protection from Noah, following the dogs
Can be seen: Standing, crawling, with something in her mouth, laughing with you, mimicking you

Honorable Mention
(kind of like the "and the rest people on Gilligan's Island")

Dustie and Chance

Actually this is Katherine and Chance, here's a picture of Dustie and Chance